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Page history
last edited
by Mischa Hooker 6 years, 7 months ago
[See also Tarik Wareh's Public Domain page ] Editions [Complete] - ed. L. Campbell (London, 1898) [link ]
- ed. N. Wecklein, part 1 [text, scholia, app. crit.] and part 2 [coniecturae virorum doctorum minus certae] (Berlin, 1885) [link ]
- ed. Dindorf, 5th ed. "correctior" (Leipzig: Teubner, 1870) [link ]
- ed. F. A. Paley, Bibliotheca Classica (London, 1855) [link ]; "ex nov. recens. F. A. Paley" (Cambridge, 1858) [link ]
- ed. C. H. Weise (Leipzig, 1843) [link ]
- ed. A. Wellauer, vol. 1 [Prom., Sept., Suppl.] (Leipzig, 1824) [link ]; vol. 2 [Oresteia + Persae] (Leipzig, 1824) [link ]; vol. 3.1 and 3.2 [Lexicon Aeschyleum pts. 1 and 2] (Leipzig, 1830) [link ]
- acc. to ed. of C. G. Schütz [with Latin tr.], vol. 1 (London, 1823) [link ]
- Tragoediae quae supersunt ac deperditarum fragmenta, ed. C. G. Schütz, vol. 1, "ed. nova" [Prom., Sept.] (Halle an der Saale, 1809) [link ]; vol. 2, "ed. nova" [Pers., Agam.] (Halle an der Saale, 1811) [link ]; vol. 3, "ed. nova" [Choeph., Eum., Suppl.] (Halle an der Saale, 1808) [link ]; vol. 4 [scholia] (Halle an der Saale, 1821) [link ]; vol. 5 [fragmenta] (Halle an der Saale, 1821) [link ]; ed. C. G. Schütz, vol. 1 [Prom., Sept.] (Halle an der Saale, 1782) [link ]
- Poetarum Scenicorum Graecorum Aeschyli Sophoclis Euripidis et Aristophanis fabulae superstites et perditarum fragmenta, ed. Dindorf, 5th ed. (Leipzig, 1869) [link ]
- Poetae Scenici Graeci, accedunt perditarum fabularum fragmenta [Aesch., Soph., Eur., Aristoph.], ed. Dindorf [Sidgwick's copy] (Leipzig, 1830) [link ]
[Oresteia] - ed. Wilamowitz [Greek and German], [part 1: Agamemnon] (Berlin, 1885) [link ]; [ex-libris Gilbert Murray ]; part 2 [Das Opfer am Grabe] (Berlin, 1896) [link ]
- ed. N. Wecklein (Leipzig: Teubner, 1888) [link ]
- ed. J. Franz [Greek and German] (Leipzig, 1846) [link ]
[Individual Plays] - Agamemnon
- ed. and tr. W. W. Goodwin (Boston, 1906) [link ]
- ed. A. Sidgwick, 3rd ed. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford, 1887) [link ]
- ed./comm. F. W. Schneidewin, 2nd ed. O. Hense (Berlin, 1883) [link ]
- ed. and tr. B. H. Kennedy, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1882) [link ]
- ed. and tr. K. H. Keck (Leipzig, 1863) [link ]
- ed. and tr. C. F. von Nägelsbach, posth. ed. F. List (Erlangen, 1863) [link ]
- ed. S. Karsten (Utrecht, 1855) [link ]
- Agamemnon Triglottos, ed. and tr. J. Kennedy, Germ. tr. H. Voss (Dublin, 1829) [link ]
- Choephoroi/Libation Bearers
- ed. A. F. Garvie (Oxford, 1986) [limited preview ]
- ed./comm. F. Blass (Halle a. S., 1906) [link ]
- ed. A. Sidgwick, Clarendon Press Series (Oxford, 1900) [link ]
- ed. and tr. A. W. Verrall (London, 1893) [link ]
- ed. T. W. Peile (London, 1840) [link ]
- Eumenides
- ed. A. H. Sommerstein, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics (Cambridge, 1989) [limited preview ]
- ed. and tr. A. W. Verrall (London, 1908) [link ]
- ed. F. H. M. Blaydes (Halle an der Saale, 1900) [link ]
- ed. and tr. J. F. Davies (Dublin, 1885) [link ]
- ed. and tr. B. Drake (Cambridge, 1853) [link ]
- ed. and tr. K. O. Müller [Greek and German] (Göttingen, 1833) [link ]
- Persae/Persians
- ed. H. Weil (Paris, 1899) [link ]
- ed./comm. L. Schiller, 2nd ed. C. Conradt (Berlin, 1888) [link ]
- ed. A. O. Prickard (London, 1879) [link ]
- ed. Dindorf (after Porson), 2nd ed. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1862) [link ]
- Prometheus Vinctus/Prometheus Bound
- ed. M. Griffith, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics (Cambridge, 1983) [limited preview ]
- ed. J. E. Harry, Greek Series for Colleges and Schools (New York, 1905) [link ]
- ed. N. Wecklein, 3rd ed. [with frags. of Prom. Unbound] (Leipzig, 1893) [link ]
- ed. N. Wecklein [tr. F. D. Allen], College Series of Greek Authors (Boston, 1891) [link ] [TextKit ]
- ed. A. O. Prickard, Clarendon Press Series (Oxford, 1878) [link ]
- ed. C. J. Blomfield, 4th ed. (London, 1825) [link ]
- ed. C. J. Blomfield, "editio emendatior" [with notes of Elmsley] (Leipzig, 1822) [link ]
- ed. C. J. Blomfield, 3rd ed. (Cambridge, 1819) [link ]; 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1818) [link ]
- Septem contra Thebas/Seven against Thebes
- ed. T. G. Tucker (Cambridge, 1908) [link ]
- ed. A. Sidgwick [Smyth's copy] (Oxford, 1903) [link ]
- ed./comm. N. Wecklein (Leipzig: Teubner, 1902) [link ]
- ed. and tr. A. W. Verrall (London, 1887) [link ]
- ed. F. A. Paley ["with brief notes for young students" (Cambridge, 1878) [link ]
- ed. F. W. Ritschl (after Hermann) ["in usum scholarum suarum"] (Leipzig, 1875) [link
- ed. A. Sachtleben (Boston, 1853) [link ]
- ed. C. J. Blomfield [with Tyrwhitt's conjectures] (Leipzig, 1823) [link ]
- Supplices
- ed. T. G. Tucker (London, 1889) [link]
- "ex nov. rec. F. A. Paley" (New York, 1860) [link ]
- ed. A. Wellauer [ex-libris Gilbert Murray] (Leipzig, 1823) [link ]
Translations [Complete] - [Ital.] tr. E. Romagnoli, with illustr. by A. de Carolis, vol. 1 [Suppl., Pers., Sept., Prom.] (Bologna, 1921) [link - faulty]
- tr. A. S. Way, part 1 [Pers., Sept.] (London, 1906) [link]; part 2 [Suppl., Prom.] (London, 1907) [link]; part 3 [Ag., Choe., Eum.] (London, 1908) [link ]
- tr. E. H. Plumptre (Boston, 1894) [link ]
- tr. A. Swanwick, Bohn's Classical Library, 4th ed. (London, 1890) [link ]; 3rd ed. (London, 1881) [link ]
- tr. R. Potter (London, 1886) [link ]
- tr. T. A. Buckley [with Burges, The New Readings] (New York, 1882) [link ]; (New York, 1856) [link ]; [without Burges], Bohn's (London, 1849) [link ]
- tr. F. A. Paley (Cambridge, 1871) [link ]
- tr. H. Voss [with J. H. Voss] (Heidelberg, 1839) [link ]
- Orestie, tr. Wilamowitz, vol. 2 of Griechische Tragoedien, 5th ed. (Berlin, 1907) [link ]
- L'Orestie, tr. P. Mazon (Paris, 1903) [link ]
- The House of Atreus: Being the Agamemnon, Libation Bearers and Furies of Aeschylus, tr. E. D. A. Morshead (London, 1901) [link ]
- The Suppliant Maidens, the Persians, the Seven against Thebes, the Prometheus Bound, tr. E. D. A. Morshead (London, 1908) [link ]
- The Prometheus and Agamemnon, tr. H. W. Herbert (Cambridge, 1849) [link ]
[Individual Plays] - Agamemnon
- ed. and tr. W. W. Goodwin (Boston, 1906) [link ]
- ed. and tr. B. H. Kennedy, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1882) [link ]
- tr. R. Browning (London, 1877) [link ]
- ed. and tr. K. H. Keck (Leipzig, 1863) [link ]
- tr. T. Medwin (London, 1832) [link ]
- Agamemnon Triglottos, ed. and tr. J. Kennedy, Germ. tr. H. Voss (Dublin, 1829) [link ]
- Choephoroi/Libation Bearers
- ed. Wilamowitz [Greek and German], part 2 [Das Opfer am Grabe] (Berlin, 1896) [link ]
- ed. and tr. A. W. Verrall (London, 1893) [link ]
- Eumenides
- ed. and tr. A. W. Verrall (London, 1908) [link ]
- ed. and tr. J. F. Davies (Dublin, 1885) [link ]
- ed. and tr. B. Drake (Cambridge, 1853) [link ]
- ed. and tr. K. O. Müller [Greek and German] (Göttingen, 1833) [link ]
- Prometheus Bound
- tr. A. Webster (London, 1866) [link ]
- tr. T. Medwin (London, 1832) [link ]
- Septem contra Thebas/Seven against Thebes
- ed. and tr. A. W. Verrall (London, 1887) [link ]
Studies- O. Schroeder, Aeschyli Cantica (Leipzig: Teubner, 1907) [link ]
- G. Burges, The New Readings Contained in Hermann's Posthumous Edition of Aeschylus (London, 1853) [link ]
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