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New Testament

[See also NT Greek/Koine : NT Apocrypha : Latin Bible]

[Scroll down for individual books]

Editions / Annotated Editions
  • Nestle (ed.), Novum Testamentum Graece et Germanice (Stuttgart, 1906) [link]
  • Westcott and Hort (eds.), The New Testament in the Original Greek (repr. London, 1903) [link]; (London, 1885) [link]
  • W. Robertson Nicoll, The Expositor's Greek Testament, vol. 3 [2 Cor. - Coloss.] (London, 1903) [link]; vol. 4 [Thess. - James] (New York, 1910) [link]
  • B. H. Alford (ed.), Dean Alford's Greek Testament with English Notes, abridged (Philadelphia, 1872) [link]
  • A. Kuenen and C. G. Cobet (eds.), Hē Kainē Diathēkē/Novum Testamentum (Leiden, 1860) [link]
  • H. Alford (ed.), The Greek Testament, vol. 1 of 4, 5th ed. [Gospels] (London, 1863) [link]; [1st ed.] vol. 2 of 3 [Acts - Corinthians] (London, 1852) [link]; vol. 3 of 4, 4th ed. [Galatians - Philemon] (London, 1865) [link]; new ed., vol. 4 of 4 [Hebrews - Revelation] (Boston, 1878) [link]; 3rd ed., vol. 4.1 of 4 [Hebrews - Epistles of Peter] (London, 1864) [link]
  • E. Burton (ed.), The Greek Testament with English Notes, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1831) [link]; vol. 2 (Oxford, 1831) [link]
  • L. van Ess (ed.), Novum Testamentum graece et latine [after Erasm., Complut.; facing, Vulg. Clem.] (Tübingen, 1827) [link]

  • A. Wright (ed.), A Synopsis of the Gospels in Greek after the Westcott and Hort Text (London, 1896) [link]
  • R. G. Moulton, St. Luke and St. Paul, Modern Reader's Bible, vol. 1 (New York, 1900) [link]

  • H. A. W. Meyer, Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, tr. / rev. / ed. by various, pt. 1 vol. 1 [Matt.] (Edinburgh, 1880) [link]; pt. 1 (div. 2), vol. 2 [Mark and Luke vol. 2] (Edinburgh, 1880) [link]; [John vol. 2] (Edinburgh, 1878) [link]; [Acts vol. 1] (Edinburgh, 1879) [link]; pt. 4, vol. 1 [Rom. vol. 1] (Edinburgh, 1873) [link]; pt. 4, vol. 2 [Rom. vol. 2] (Edinburgh, 1881) [link]; [1 and 2 Cor.] (New York, 1884) [link]; [Gal.] (New York, 1884) [link]; (Edinburgh, 1873) [link]; [Hebr.], by G. Lünemann (Edinburgh, 1882) [link]; [1 and 2 Peter, Jude], by J. E. Huther (Edinburgh, 1881) [link]; [James, 1-3 John] (Edinburgh, 1882) [link]

Manuscript Facsimiles (or transcriptions of mss.)
  • The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts website [csntm.org]
  • Codex Sinaiticus website [codex-sinaiticus.net]
  • Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis: Being an Exact Copy, in Ordinary Type..., ed. F. H. Scrivener (Cambridge, 1864) [link]
  • Bibliorum Sacrorum Graecus Codex Vaticanus, ed. Vercellone and Cozza (Rome, 1868) [khazarzar - djvu]
  • Codex Colbertinus Parisiensis. Quatuor Evangelia ante Hieronymum Latine translata, ed. J. Belsheim (Christiania [Oslo], 1888) [link]

  • G. Strecker et al. (eds.), Neuer Wettstein, vol. 2.2 [2 Tim. - Apoc.] (Berlin, 1996) [limited preview ]
  • E. Speiss, Logos Spermaticós: Parallelstellen zum Neuen Testament aus den Schriften der alten Griechen (Leipzig, 1871) [link]
  • T. S. Green, Critical Notes on the New Testament, Supplementary to the "Treatise on the Grammar of the New Testament Dialect" (London, 1867) [link]
  • T. S. Green, A Treatise on the Grammar of the New Testament, Embracing Observations on the Literal Interpretation of Numerous Passages, new ed. (London, 1862) [link]

  • A. S. Peake, A Critical Introduction to the New Testament (New York, 1920) [link]
  • J. Moffatt, An Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament (Edinburgh, 1912) [archive.org]; (New York, 1911) [link]
  • E. W. E. Reuss, History of the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testament, tr. E. L. Houghton, vol. 2 (Boston, 1888) [link]; NB also orig. German ed. (Halle, 1842) [link]; 2nd ed. (Braunschweig, 1853) [link]; 3rd ed. (Braunschweig, 1860) [link]; 4th ed. (Braunschweig, 1864) [link]
  • P. Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version (New York, 1883) [link]
  • A. C. Barrett, Companion to the Greek Testament, 4th ed. (Cambridge, 1878) [link]

Textual Criticism
  • M. R. Vincent, History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (New York, 1899) [link]
  • C. E. Hammond, Outlines of Textual Criticism Applied to the New Testament, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1876) [link]

Historical Studies, etc.
  • R. Cameron and M. P. Miller (eds.), Redescribing Christian Origins (Leiden, 2004) [link]
  • G. G. Stroumsa, Hidden Wisdom: Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism, 2nd ed. (Leiden, 2005) [link]
  • S. D. Moore and J. C. Anderson, New Testament Masculinities (Leiden, 2004) [link]
  • S. E. Porter (ed.), The Pauline Canon (Leiden, 2004) [link]
  • S. Finlan, The Background and Content of Paul's Cultic Atonement Metaphors (Leiden, 2004) [link]
  • A. D. Heffern, Apology and Polemic in the New Testament, Bohlen Lectures 1915 (New York, 1922) [link]
  • J. C. Granbery, Outline of New Testament Christology: A Study of Genetic Relationships Within the Christology of the New Testament Period (Chicago, 1909) [link]
  • A. Deissman, New Light on the New Testament, tr. L. R. M. Strachan (Edinburgh, 1908) [link]
  • O. Pfleiderer, Christian Origins, tr. D. A. Huebsch (London, 1906) [link]
  • S. Krauss, Das Leben Jesu nach jüdischen Quellen (Berlin, 1902) [link]
  • F. W. Farrar, The Life and Work of St. Paul (New York, 1889) [link]
  • C. Tischendorf, Wann wurden unsere Evangelien verfasst? (Leipzig, 1865) [link]
  • H. Gough, The New Testament Quotations: Collated with the Scriptures of the Old Testament, in the Original Hebrew and the Version of the LXX., and with the Other Writings, Apocryphal, Talmudic, and Classical, Cited or Alleged so to Be (London, 1855) [link]

Individual Books

  • W. C. Allen, ICC, 3rd ed. (Edinburgh, 1912) [archive.org]; [1st ed.] (New York, 1907) [link]
  • P. Schanz, Commentar über das Evangelium des heiligen Matthäus (Freiburg im Bresgau, 1879) [link]
  • A. Carr, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1878) [link]

  • E. P. Gould, ICC, 5th impression (Edinburgh, 1912) [archive.org]; 4th ed. (New York, 1901) [link]; 1st ed. (New York, 1896) [link]
  • G. F. MacLear, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1893) [link]
  • P. Schanz, Commentar über das Evangelium des heiligen Marcus (Freiburg im Bresgau, 1881) [link]

  • A. Plummer, ICC, 5th ed. (New York, 1902) [link]
  • A. Carr, Notes on the Greek Testament (London, 1875) [link]

  • K. S. Fuglseth, Johannine Sectarianism in Perspective: A Sociological, Historical, and Comparative Analysis of Temple and Social Relationships in the Gospel of John, Philo and Qumran (Leiden, 2005) [link]
  • P. E. Kinlaw, The Christ is Jesus: Metamorphosis, Possession, and Johannine Christology (Leiden, 2005) [link]
  • B. F. Westcott, vol. 1 (London, 1908) [link]; vol. 2 (London, 1908) [link]
  • A. Plummer, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1881) [link]
  • E. A. Abbott, Johannine Grammar (London, 1906) [link]

  • P. J. Gloag, ICC, vol. 1 (Edinburgh, 1870) [archive.org]; vol. 2 (Edinburgh, 1870) [archive.org]
  • J. Rawson Lumby, Cambridge Greek Testament (Cambridge, 1885) [link]
  • W. Denton, A Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 1 (London, 1874) [link]
  • E. Zeller, Die Apostelgeschichte nach ihrem Inhalt und Ursprung kritisch untersucht (Stuttgart, 1854) [link]

Pauline Epistles Generally
  • J. R. Boise, Notes Critical and Explanatory on the Greek Text of Paul's Epistles, ed. N. E. Wood (New York, 1896) [link]

  • W. Sanday and A. C. Headlam, ICC 7th ed. (New York, 1902) [link]; 5th ed. (New York, 1902) [archive.org]

1 Corinthians
  • J. P. Heil, The Rhetorical Role of Scripture in 1 Corinthians (Leiden, 2005) [link]
  • A. Plummer, ICC, 2nd ed. (Edinburgh, 1914) [archive.org]
  • J. J. Lias, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1896) [link]

2 Corinthians
  • A. Plummer, ICC (New York, 1915) [link]
  • J. J. Lias, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1897) [link]

  • E. de W. B., ICC (Edinburgh, 1921) [archive.org]
  • J. B. Lightfoot, St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians: A Revised Text with Introduction, Notes, and Dissertations, 2nd ed. (London, 1866) [link]

  • T. K. Abbott, ICC [with Colossians] (New York, 1902) [link] (Edinburgh, 1897) [archive.org]

  • J. P. Ware, The Mission of the Church in Paul's Letter to the Philippians in the Context of Ancient Judaism (Leiden, 2005) [link]
  • M. R. Vincent, ICC [with Philemon] (New York, 1897) [archive.org] [link]

  • T. K. Abbott, ICC [with Ephesians] (New York, 1902) [link] (Edinburgh, 1897) [archive.org]
  • J. B. Lightfoot, St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon: A Revised Text with Introductions, Notes, and Dissertations (London, 1875) [link]

1-2 Thessalonians
  • J. E. Frame, ICC (Edinburgh, 1912) [archive.org]
  • G. G. Findlay, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1898) [link]

  • M. R. Vincent, ICC [with Philippians] (New York, 1897) [archive.org] [link]

  • B. F. Westcott, 2nd ed. (London, 1892) [link]
  • J. Moffatt, ICC (Edinburgh, 1924) [archive.org]
  • J. H. R. Biesenthal, Das Trostschreiben des Apostels Paulus an die Hebräer (Leipzig, 1878) [link ]
  • S. H. Turner, The Epistle to the Hebrews, in Greek and English, with an Exegetical Commentary (New York, 1852) [link]

1 and 2 Timothy
  • W. Lock, ICC [1 and 2 Timothy, Titus] (Edinburgh, 1924) [archive.org]

  • W. Lock, ICC [1 and 2 Timothy, Titus] (Edinburgh, 1924) [archive.org]

Epistles of Peter
  • C. Bigg, ICC [with Jude], 2nd ed. (Edinburgh, 1902) [archive.org]; [1st ed.] (New York, 1901) [link]


Epistles of John
  • Cf. Kinlaw, under John supra.
  • A. E. Brooke, ICC (New York, 1912) [archive.org]
  • A. Plummer, Cambridge Bible for Schools (Cambridge, 1896) [link]
  • B. F. Westcott, 3rd ed. (London, 1892) [link]; (London, 1883) [link]

  • C. Bigg, ICC [with Jude] (New York, 1901) [link]

  • D. L. Barr (ed.), Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students (Leiden, 2004) [link]
  • R. H. Charles, ICC, vol. 1 (New York, 1920) [archive.org] [link]; vol. 2 (Edinburgh, 1920) [archive.org]; (repr.) [limited preview] [alt. limited preview]
  • W. Bousset, Die Offenbarung Johannis, 5th ed. (Göttingen, 1906) [link]
  • H. B. Swete, The Apocalypse of St. John (London, 1906) [link]
  • M. Stuart, A Commentary on the Apocalypse, vol. 1 (Andover, 1845) [link]
  • S. P. Tregelles, The Book of Revelation in Greek, Edited from Ancient Authorities; with a New English Version and Various Readings (London, 1844) [link]


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